Friday, November 30, 2007

Yes, I'm a beer snob...

This is not a quality picture, but it illustrates this entry. Looks like a picture of someone enjoying a bottle of beer (Michelob) at a restaurant, right? Actually the young man in the picture is the boyfriend, who was apparently meeting the girl's parents for the first time. He has a pint glass of something. The Michelob belongs to Dad. I assume the parents (back to the camera) are from out of town. Seems like a nice, ordinary family scene. What's wrong with the picture?
The restaurant is Lazlo's, home to some of the best micro-brewed beers in America (my humble opinion). I was shocked to see someone order a non-Empyrean beer at Lazlo's. I was even more shocked to see two of his companions - Mom and daughter, who were drinking Miller Lite and Bud Light respectively. Actually I was somewhat appalled just to overhear a Lazlo's server listing off those beers as choices. Kind of like hearing Jonathan announce a wet T-shirt contest after church to raise funds for missionaries.
But I suppose it's a free country. They may not be allowed to smoke, but it's not illegal to choose mediocre (I'm being generous) beer. At least that leaves more good beer for the rest of us.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


I like to look for patterns or compositions that are eyecatching wthout their context. Beaches can be really good for this. Here's one that I really like. I found it like this, and just got close enough to reduce the picture elements to just the sand, the rock, the grass, and the little piece of wood.

The Itsy Bitsy Spider...

Spiderwebs are amazing. From an engineering perspective, they are incredibly light and strong. Yet they are also so beautiful. (And presumably, they're good for catching bugs or spiders wouldn't keep building them.)

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Friday, November 23, 2007


Today felt kind of wintery to me, so here's a winter picture. It's my dad cross-country skiing in the Vermont woods. I like winter photography because you get a lot of black/white contrast. You can get the feel of black and white pictures but still include some color.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Thanksgiving is my favorite American holiday, possibly my overall favorite. I have to admit, though that I am intriqued by some holidays in other countries that just have interesting names. For example:
Guy Fawkes Day (England - November 5)
Tomb Sweeping Day (Taiwan - April 5)
Boxing Day (British Commonwealth countries - December 26)
Double Ninth Chong Yang Festival (China - Lunar calendar 9th month, 9th day)

But back to Thanksgiving... Why do I love it so? It comes in fall, my favorite season. It falls on a Thursday, which makes stand out from all those ordinary Monday holidays. It involves pies of many sorts in great abundance. But mostly because it reminds me of my awesome family, even if I don't get to see them for the holiday. Back home Thanksgiving was always a time when many relatives gathered at one house or another for a leisurely day of eating, walking, games, naps, TV football, and just... being a family.

I have not done a great job of keeping in touch with family members as I've moved around the country, but one of the foundations in my life is the knowledge that I am part of the extended Seebohm and Moore, and now Terry, clans with their various branches and locations. It forms a bond deeper than whether we get along or see each other frequently.

Still Life...

My usual approach to photography is to walk around with my camera and see what I can find that looks interesting. I take lots of pictures, then try to pick out a few good ones. Most of my pictures are therefore candid and unposed - pictures of people, animals, trees, landscapes, just doing whatever they're doing. In these cases the composition is formed by what I find and where I put the camera. It can be hit or miss.
Occasionally, I try to compose scenes myself. It's kind of fun, especially with inanimate objects that don't whine about how long it takes. It somehow feels more 'artistic' than my usual photography. Here's one example.

Light Sabers...

Light sticks make great entertainment for children on camping trips. Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul kept themselves occupied for hours on this particular night.

Hi Ho, Kermit the Frog here...

Honk if you like amphibians!
Do they live on land? Do they live in the water? Yes!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


This is Mobius (a.k.a. Moby), possibly the best dog ever. And I've known some great dogs, so that is high praise indeed. As you can see, he quite a handsome yellow labrador retreiver, very (I mean VERY) affectionate, obedient, protective, and adaptable. He is quite comfortable in a nice warm queen size bed or a tent in below-freezing weather. In a car, canoe, hiking in the woods, or just sitting on the porch... wherever we are, that's where he wants to be. He is always ecstatic to see us (guests too, as some of you know), and he jumps into every activity with every part of his being. We say that whatever he's doing right now is his favorite thing.

Don't misunderstand... Moby's just a dog. But those of you who are true dog people will know what I mean when I say that it is possible to learn a thing or two from a dog: love unreservedly, express yourself openly, don't let fear of looking silly hold you back from seizing every opportunity, and don't let worries about the past or future get in the way of reveling in the glorious life that God gives us every day.

Oh, by the way... if you think Moby's handsome now, see below.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Another post inspired by my leaf pictures...

crisp harvest
glorious leafy decay

Pretty Leaves...

I love fall. It is so bitter-sweet. Everything is becoming dark and cold and dormant, but it goes out with such transient beauty. And inherent in that dormancy is the preparation for spring.