Thanksgiving is my favorite American holiday, possibly my overall favorite. I have to admit, though that I am intriqued by some holidays in other countries that just have interesting names. For example:
Guy Fawkes Day (England - November 5)
Tomb Sweeping Day (Taiwan - April 5)
Boxing Day (British Commonwealth countries - December 26)
Double Ninth Chong Yang Festival (China - Lunar calendar 9th month, 9th day)
But back to Thanksgiving... Why do I love it so? It comes in fall, my favorite season. It falls on a Thursday, which makes stand out from all those ordinary Monday holidays. It involves pies of many sorts in great abundance. But mostly because it reminds me of my awesome family, even if I don't get to see them for the holiday. Back home Thanksgiving was always a time when many relatives gathered at one house or another for a leisurely day of eating, walking, games, naps, TV football, and just... being a family.
I have not done a great job of keeping in touch with family members as I've moved around the country, but one of the foundations in my life is the knowledge that I am part of the extended Seebohm and Moore, and now Terry, clans with their various branches and locations. It forms a bond deeper than whether we get along or see each other frequently.
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