This is Mobius (a.k.a. Moby), possibly the best dog ever. And I've known some great dogs, so that is high praise indeed. As you can see, he quite a handsome yellow labrador retreiver, very (I mean VERY) affectionate, obedient, protective, and adaptable. He is quite comfortable in a nice warm queen size bed or a tent in below-freezing weather. In a car, canoe, hiking in the woods, or just sitting on the porch... wherever we are, that's where he wants to be. He is always ecstatic to see us (guests too, as some of you know), and he jumps into every activity with every part of his being. We say that whatever he's doing right now is his favorite thing.
Don't misunderstand... Moby's just a dog. But those of you who are true dog people will know what I mean when I say that it is possible to learn a thing or two from a dog: love unreservedly, express yourself openly, don't let fear of looking silly hold you back from seizing every opportunity, and don't let worries about the past or future get in the way of reveling in the glorious life that God gives us every day.
Oh, by the way... if you think Moby's handsome now, see below.

Love him! Mobi is way too cute as a puppy!
...yes, he loves to kiss our guests, and it's really fun when he kisses our most sophisticated guests!
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